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Hard day at work? Kids driving you crazy? Do you suffer from anxiety and or PTSD ? Well help is on the way!

Made with carefully foirmulated and measured Ashwaghanda, 5-HTP, Velvet Bean, Watermelon Juice Poweder and Gabba, this supplement not only doesnt taste bad, but it essentially rewires your brain in 1 hour. Start with 1/2 teaspoon from the included custom measuring spoon, add it to any drink and go relax, the healthy, positive euphoria, you will feel , will not only relax you but your mind will not wander , shakiness will be subdued, and relaxation will set in.  After your first time you can add up to a tsp ( 2 scoops) to customize to your needs.

Comes in a 35 day package. 

None of these claims have been affirmed by the FDA , and I am not a doctor , just a pretty smart guy with a passion for making people feel better.


$55.00 Regular Price
$50.00Sale Price
Price Options
Monthly Chill
$45.00every month until canceled
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